Therapist Academy

Business support for coaches, therapists, and healers

Welcome to Therapist Academy

Professional mentorship and business support for holistic, spiritual, and wellbeing practitioners

Holistic, spiritual, and wellbeing solopreneurs who want to start or grow their practice.
Individuals who want to find their authentic life purpose and experience more meaning through their work.
People who take a heart-centred approach to providing health services.

Therapist Academy is home to a growing collection of business resources
for people who provide heart-centred professional therapy services...




Are You a Healing Practitioner Who Needs Support?

Do any of these things sound familiar?

  • As a newly qualified practitioner, you don't quite know where to begin with starting or growing your practice.
  • Your levels of stress, fatigue, and overwhelm are growing by the day, and you want to work in a way which boosts your energy.
  • You are currently in a job which leaves you feeling unfulfilled or disillusioned, and you want to find more meaningful work.
  • Fear, beliefs, or habits are holding you back from success, and you want to make changes so you can reach your full potential.
  • You feel at odds with much of the business advice available, and want to take a more heart-centred approach to your work.

Your Work Is Your Soul Signature

The work that you choose to do in life is an expression of your deepest values, ethics, and your purpose in life.

Whether this work takes the form of professional services, or voluntary support,

it is always possible to make a greater impact by embracing your own authenticity,

and by harnessing the power of your soul.

The Three Elements of  Wellbeing Service

There are three main elements which create the foundation for starting, growing, and maintaining a successful therapeutic practice.  These form the basis for all the resources within the Academy.  They are:

1 - Purpose: Your business is an expression of who you choose to be in the world. Aligning with your authentic purpose is the very foundation on which you build the rest of your wellbeing practice. So, it's important to get it right,to clarify your reasons for doing this work, and for helping this particular group of people.

2 - Mindset:  Fear, unhelpful beliefs, and habitual ways of being can negatively impact any therapist who becomes a solopreneur.  After all, there is nothing like starting your own practice to highlight any areas of self-doubt.  However, within this also lies an opportunity for your own personal transformation and growth.

3 - Systems:  Authentic, heart-centred business skills are a necessity for any therapist, coach, or healer who wants to embark on a path of wellbeing service.  Whilst most business advice is geared towards a very corporate-orientated market, it doesn't have to be this way.  You can integrate a heart-centred approach to business and also make a living doing work you love.

How Therapist Academy Can Help...

Therapist Academy is a learning centre for soul-centred coaches, therapists, healers, and wellness practitioners, who want to grow their practice, without compromising their values and ethics.

There are lots of sales and marketing videos out there in the world, but unfortunately most of them are based around hard-sell, manipulative, or tactical methods. There are also an increasing number of so-called 'spiritual' marketers who basically use being heart-centred as a tactic to reel you in, and then charge exceptionally high fees for their services.  I invite you to pause, and then to ask yourself...
Is this really spiritual? Or just good marketing?

There is no need for most holistic, spiritual or wellbeing practitioners to have to enrol in these types of programmes. Yes, if you already have a thriving, established business, then you may need expert marketing advice. But for the vast majority of practitioners, you just need to learn the essential skills that are needed to start and grow your practice.  


So, with this in mind, and as a genuinely heart-centred practitioner who wants to support a holistic approach to health, I have decided to set up this Academy. My aim is to provide ethical, specialist support, for holistic, spiritual, and wellbeing practitioners, just like you. So that you can start and grow your practice without getting unnecessarily caught up in the world of corporate business coaching.

You do not need advanced marketing programmes to start and grow your practice.  You do need to learn essential business skills which will get you started, help you to find your niche, and allow you to make a living through work that you love.

 The Academy will give you access to on-demand training tools and resources, specifically designed for wellbeing practitioners, and provided by an experienced coach, therapist, and soul-centred person.  You can access useful resources and tools at a time when it is convenient for you, and learn at a pace which suits your personal circumstances. Plus, if you need individualised support and guidance, you can always book a 1-1 support call or mentorship programme with me, as and when you need it.

Daniella Saunders - Mentorship for Wellness Practitioners
MA (Phil), BA (Hons), RGN, ITEC

With over thirty years of healthcare experience, I have worked in a variety of wellbeing practitioner roles - including acute hospital care, GP surgeries, private healthcare, and running my own holistic health practice.  

My qualifications include Registered Nurse training, multiple professional diplomas in healthcare and behaviour change, health coaching accreditation,  an array of holistic therapy qualifications, plus masters and honours degrees in Philosophy, Spirituality, and Health.

I have worked in healthcare for over 35 years, and have run my own wellbeing practice for around 20 years.  I now specialise in helping empathic and soul-centred people to thrive in their life, health, and business.

My aim is to support the new generation of therapists, coaches, and healing practitioners, so that together we can help more people, and create a better world.

Therapist Academy

Do you want to find out about new on-demand courses and products to support your practice growth?

Then I invite you to pop your name down here and I'll keep you up to date with the latest news.  You'll also get subscriber-only discounts on all newly released items.